Identify dominant goals of your life. What’s the one thing that when you achieve it you have succeeded that day? View today as an investment for preparation of tomorrow. Today is a seed. Name the theme for the day. For example “Today is a day of kindness, or giving”, It narrows your focus that you don’t over live the day. Prophesy into your day. Every time we speak, we are prophesying into our future. Intercede for 3 people Accept the humanity in others Decide to forgive everybody. I will not penalize you for your sin. Standardize parts of your day. If you do something once a week, keep doing it, if it is every day, keep doing it. Identify 3 things that will inspire you that day. May be a book, picture, or a mentor etc. Journal 3 good things that happened that day. Memorize one scripture every day. Exc...
Leadership, Career, and Relationship.