As a single, you are created to be useful. The single years are the prime time of life when all you see ahead and all that bubbles within you is life. It is a very precious gift you holding your hands, which other wish they could recall. God gave you this gift, so you can fully utilize it. Single days ought to be useful days! Now that you are still single, how useful are you? God has put in you certain unique deposits to enhance your usefulness while single. These include but are not limited to the following. Unusual Strength Young people are synonymous with strength. God expects you to channel this unusual strength positively and correctly. The physical strength that a 25 year old would exact, a 50 year old may not be able to. Your physical energy is at its best in the days of your youth, while you are still single. With this unusual strength, pursuit of your vision is easy and you will be most useful. Passion/Zeal While single you can demonstrate tireless diligence and...
Leadership, Career, and Relationship.