I want to talk about the issue of pride as regards to us as individuals. Pride is something we exhibit in our day to day lives, but nobody would agree that he or she is proud. But I would want us to know that at certain times in our lives we have shown pride. Pride goes in two ways, you may either attribute it as a mark of honour to someone you love or yourself. For example "When a husband is proud of his wife, or a father is proud of his son who graduated with a first class honours" and many other examples I can cite. People can also be proud of themselves to boost their self confidence. For example: someone can be proud of been single, or someone can be proud of been fat just to knock off negative views and opinions of people towards those that are fat.
The other way is when the person is full of himself/herself, super imposes, boozy, dominarian, arrogant, boostful. rebellious, egocentric and full of self justification. This is where the problem lies about pride. Some individual exhibit mild cases of pride while some others exhibit chronic cases of pride.
There are 7 facts for us take note about the subject of PRIDE
- Nobody can out grow been proud by his or her ability. This means that you can never get to a certain age or level in life and conclude that you can not be proud.
- Every level that God brings you to in life is a test on your humility.
- Pride operates at level in life but it is most paramount at the top levels of life.
- Pride is also associated with ego.
- The seed of pride can be shown into a man's heart by anyone or one can develop it on his or her own based on how they think about themselves. The problem about people been proud of themselves often times is for a good reason, but if not checked it can go above the borderline and before the person realises it he or she unkonwingly is exhibiting pride. Its good to have self confidence, good self esteem, its good to carry yourself in a way that boosts your ego, but be careful not to over do it and you cross the borderline and become proud.
- Pride is an attitude problem. This means that pride travels along our attitude path. You can detect anyone who is proud by their attitude, and we know that attitude is the presistent cosistent way we behave in any condition that forms our personality as individuals.
- Pride is the mother of all iniquity.
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