By Pastor Sam Adeyemi, edited by Ik Solomon Supposing you set your alarm to wake you up in the morning, and you are woken up by the alarm, and what you are purposed to do in the morning is to do some exercise, you feel like you’ve been piling up the pounds or the kilos. The alarm goes up, you wake up, you look at the time its 5:30am, it occurs to you that may be you really don’t need to stand up yet, may be you could leave it till tomorrow, and then you check your bed, it really feels very comfortable, and you feel you can do a little bit more minutes of sleep, so you go back to sleep. Ok, the big question is how do you really feel at end of the day? Usually you feel a sense of lose because you know what you could have gained that you wanted to gain that you could not. Will that be a disaster? May be not, not on the immediate but the reality about life is that those decisions either to get up in the morning, or to get some more sleep, or to eat those particular kinds of food t...
Leadership, Career, and Relationship.